2011 - (Joint Winners) "Puffin Farne Islands" by Jim Newman and "Ancient & Modern" by Phil Janes
2012 - "Eventide" by Jim Newman
2013 - "Passing of the Token" by Alison Jenkins
2014 - "Look How High I Am" by Jane Young
2015 - "Eagle" by Jim Newman
2016 - "Dead Trees Among The Dunes" by Christine Holt
2017 - "Harvest Mouse" By Rana Williams
2018 - "Timid Roe Deer" By David Morement
2019 - "Pulpit Rock" By Paul Wood
2020 - "Blue Lines" By Bryn Gibbons
2021 - "Under The Conifer Tree" By Phil Janes
2022 - "Isolation" by Paul Wood
2023 - "Freshly Plucked" by Robin Claydon
HODDESDON CAMERA CLUB IMAGE OF THE YEAR AWARD for THE JIM NEWMAN MEMORIAL TROPHY This award is to be held each year during the Christmas Social evening in December for all images that have qualified throughout the year. These images may be prints or slides but will all be displayed as prints on the evening. Images will qualify to be in the competition in one of two ways. These two ways are: The image must have been awarded a 20 mark in one of the Projected & Print competitions during the calendar year OR the image must have won one of the other competitions during the calendar year, i.e. Landscape, Natural History, Coastal, Chairman’s Trophy & Monochrome.
Please note that this competition is relevant to the calendar year and not the club “season”. All of the images that qualify will be displayed on the night with a serial number & title and everybody who attends the evening (members & guests) will be given a voting slip to be completed and placed in a ballot box. Towards the end of the evening the ballot box will be opened, the votes will be announced one by one, and these votes will be recorded live on the screen so that all present can see the voting as it unfolds. The top three will be announced in reverse order and the trophy will be presented to the winner.
This award is an annual event and is intended to reflect the very best images that have been seen in all the club competitions throughout the year.
Robin Claydon wins the Image of the Year 2023
Robin's image "Freshy Plucked" (left) was voted Image of the Year at the club's Christmas meeting on 11th December 2023.
Winner: "Freshly Plucked" by Robin Claydon Runner-Up: "London Eye Hub" by Bernie Broomhead Third Place "Two Brown Hares" by David Morement
Here is the full list of participants for the 2023 award, a total of 38 images were supplied by the 12 club members listed below, all of which qualified by the criteria detailed on the left of this page.
David Spraggett, Bernie Broomhead, Rana Williams, Christine Holt, Paul Wood, Robin Claydon Mike Tidd, David Morement, Tony Barrell, Barrie Saunders, Bryn Gibbons & John Wines
Congratulations to everyone for their excellent efforts.
Robin receiving the Jim Newman Memorial Trophy from Joan Newman